I went for a walk one summer day. I came across a narrow road, and I decided to follow it through the countryside. I looked at all the insects, the buzzing beings, the minor Boeings emerging from the hedgerows. I met a man who was studying the insects. I asked him if he'd seen anything interesting and he said, "Everything is interesting. So yes, I've seen something interesting because I've seen some things. That tree is interesting. That cloud is interesting. That rabbit is interesting."
"I didn't know rabbits had wings," I said.
"That's what makes him so interesting."
"Yes. He's an extremely interesting rabbit. Of course, the other possibility is that he's a perfectly ordinary bird."
"I'd have to examine him more closely to determine that. And if he is a bird, he can't be perfectly ordinary if he's easily mistaken for a rabbit."
"That's true."
"Insects are my area of expertise. Sometimes they respond when I talk to them. But then again, sometimes my hands respond when I talk to them."
The road went on without me when I stopped to talk to the man. I said goodbye to him, and I tried to catch up with the road. After half a mile it ended in a field, where it had found a woman. She was looking up at God, who was above the hills, she said.
She told me about the angels who protect people's houses. One of them protects her house when she's out during the day and when she's asleep at night. "They can communicate with the birds," she said. "My aunt can communicate with the birds too. She used to sing in a band called 'Jeremy and the Dentists'. She discovered her ability to communicate with birds when the band were playing in a village hall one summer evening. It was warm outside, and even warmer inside, so all the doors were open. The sun was setting when a bird flew in through an open door. They were singing a song about cycling a yellow bike through the countryside. There was a line in it about listening to the twittering of the birds. As soon as she sang it, the bird twittered something in response, and she understood that response. The bird said he enjoyed listening to the music of bicycles, especially yellow bicycles. Ever since then she's been talking to them and listening to what they have to say. Talking to birds, that is, not yellow bicycles. I've been able to communicate with the angel outside my house by getting my aunt to talk to the birds and asking them to pass on the message to the angel, and then they translate the angel's response for my aunt, who translates it for me. I think some things get lost in translation. I doubt very much that the angel's favourite food is honeysuckle jam made by Street Fighter II."
She also told me that she talks to God and he tells her who she is when she forgets. He tells her the time too. I asked her if she'd ask God to get the road moving again. She did, and the road took off very quickly. I couldn't keep up with it, so I walked at my own pace. I set off on the road to God knows where.
When the road came to a lake it went all around the water's edge. I followed the road until I came to a vegetable garden. Most of the vegetables had gone and cats had taken their places, pretending to be the vegetables through a judicious use of mime. One of the cats, through an injudicious use of mime, was pretending to be a mouse. A gardener was watering the cats, but they didn't like it. I got the impression that the cats were busking, so I suggested giving the cats some coins instead of water. He said it was worth trying. I had some coins in my pocket. I gave them to some of the cats and we could see them growing.
Shortly after leaving the garden I came across a well. There was a hole in the ground near the well. I put my head into the hole and I was surprised to find that my head emerged from the well. I saw myself kneeling next to the hole, with my head concealed in it. I put my hand into the hole and it came out through the well. I tapped myself on the back and my body seemed to get a shock. It moved suddenly, causing my head to hit off the side of the well. I withdrew my head from the hole.
I realised that I had given all my money away to the cats, but I had an idea to make some more. I stood next to the hole, and I told passers-by that the well was a wishing well. They'd throw coins into it and make a wish, but the coins would come up through the hole. I'd catch the coins and put them into my pocket without being seen. If their wish was to enrich me, then the wishing well worked.
When my pockets were full I walked down the road again. It led me all the way around the lake and back to the place where the road first met the lake. I began my second circuit. When I got to the vegetable garden the cats were huge. I gave them some of my coins, and the cats grew even bigger.
When I got to the well I met a man who said he was bird-watching.
I asked him if he'd seen any interesting birds lately and he said, "I'm not really interested in seeing anything interesting. I'm looking for signs of warfare. As long as the barn owls are on my side I should be okay."
"Don't the barn owls only come out at night?"
"That's just what they want you to think. They're masters of disguise. I once met a man on the road who tried to sell me a kettle. It was only as I was walking away that I said to myself, 'Wait a minute, that man could turn his head right around.' And then I realised it wasn't a man at all. It was an owl."
"They sound like the sort of creatures you'd want on your side alright."
As the sun began to set he started telling me his life story. I took little notice of what he was saying until he started talking about the years he spent working in the city. City life came as a shock after growing up in the country.
"I got a job in a pet shop," he said. "There was a huge aquarium that went around all four walls of the shop. Some of the fish could go from one end of the tank to the other. The two ends were at either side of the front door. You could look at a fish at one side of the door, then blink and see that fish at the other side. Everything was like that in the city. The fish were only copying the cars on the street outside. Country fish were much more relaxed. My life was speeding up as well. Conversations that used to last two hours would be over in two seconds. I missed the days when it would take two hours to inquire about the price of potatoes in a shop. I decided to move back to the country and commute to work in the city. The owner of the pet shop showed me how to catch a wild road and train it to go where I wanted it to go. I've been able to control the roads ever since by tapping them with my feet. I've turned it into a dance."
The man did a tap dance on the road, and he showed me how to control the road with some simple commands. I got it to stop running around the lake and move off in a different direction. I thanked the man for his help and I followed the road again.
It was dark soon. I was going to camp out, but it started raining, so I knocked on the door of a farmhouse and I asked if I could stay in a shed. They insisted that I stay in the house. They took me to a spare bedroom upstairs. Not long after I switched off the light I saw a flash of lightning and it split the sky in two. I looked out the window. Hundreds of people emerged from holes and from behind bushes. They put up scaffolding and they started work on repairing the sky. They had it finished before dawn. You couldn't even see a crack in the blue dome on the following day. After having breakfast in the farmhouse I set off on the road again.
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![]() 'Darcy and O'Mara' is a novel by Arthur Cronin. Click here to buy the paperback or download the ebook for free. Very Slight Stories Henry Seaward-Shannon The East Cork Patents Office The Tree and the Horse Mizzenwood William Snagpock |
Bibliodyssey Illustration Art Cartoon Modern Doc 40 Local Girl's day in pictures The post-it project Balla Dora Typo-Grafika Why, that's delightful! Bjornik's Pen and Ink |
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